- About.com - The 20th Century History: The Holocaust
- http://history1900s.about.com/homework/history1900s/library/holocaust/blholocaust.htm
- akdh.ch - Aktion Kinder des Holocaust
- http://www.akdh.ch
- Aktion Reinhard Camps
- http://www.death-camps.org
- Association of Holocaust Organizations (AHO)
- http://www.ahoinfo.org
- Digital Monument to the Jewish Community in the Netherlands
- http://www.joodsmonument.nl
- Gedenkbuch - Opfer der Verfolgung der Juden unter der nationalsozialistischen Gewaltherrschaft in Deutschland 1933-1945
- http://www.bundesarchiv.de/gedenkbuch
- haGalil onLine - haShoah
- http://www.hagalil.com/shoah/index.htm
- The Holocaust Chronicle: A History in Words and Pictures
Publications International, Ltd. - http://www.holocaustchronicle.org
- Holocaust & Genocide Studies
- http://www.webster.edu/~woolflm/holocaust.html
- The Holocaust History Project
- http://www.holocaust-history.org
- Holocaust Memorials
- http://www.memorial-museums.net
- Holocaust-Referenz - Argumente gegen Auschwitzleugner
- http://www.h-ref.de
- Holocaust Survivors
- http://www.holocaustsurvivors.org
- International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA)
- http://holocaustremembrance.com
- Jewish Labor and the Holocaust: The Jewish Labor Committee and the Anti-Nazi Struggle
The Jewish Labor Committee Collection at the Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, New York University - http://www.nyu.edu/library/bobst/collections/exhibits/tam/JLC/opener.html
- The Mazal Library - A Holocaust Resource
- http://www.mazal.org
- nadir-Infosystem: Adressbuch - Geschichte - Nationalsozialismus
- http://www.nadir.org/nadir/adressbuch/all/natsoz.html
- The Nizkor Project
- http://www.nizkor.org
- NS-Archiv - Dokumente zum Nationalsozialismus
- http://www.ns-archiv.de
- remember.org
- http://www.remember.org
- shoah.de - deutschsprachiges internetportal zum thema shoah und holocaust
- http://www.shoah.de
- Shoah-Projekt/Shoah-Project
- http://www.shoahproject.org
- Silent Voices Speak
- http://www.silentvoicesspeak.com
- Stock Maven Research Center - Business and the Holocaust
- http://www.stockmaven.com/holocaust.htm
- Survivors of the Shoa Visual History Foundation
- http://www.vhf.org
- Virtual Library - Zeitgeschichte
- http://www.vl-zeitgeschichte.de
- Wege der Erinnerung
Stiftung Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn - http://www.wege-der-erinnerung.de
- Women and the Holocaust
- http://womenandtheholocaust.com